Thursday, July 31, 2014

Am I Atheist ?

Well , this question seems very odd for others and from few days to me also. I was in full confidence that being an atheist is a good in this rouge gone Communal World. But as i started to scratch deep in various spritual details i must say it left me at a state where i can see myself as Agnostic more than the Atheist , what i used to think about my self.

As we know there are two major doctrines of the world and found the following:

  • Both contain blatant internal contradictions.
  • Both contain concepts that are blatantly against proven science.
  • Both contain concepts on issues of human rights, gender rights and morality that can put any sensible      person to shame.

In addition, both have a same common theme running across:

  • Once upon a time, God thought of creating universe and humans from nowhere. (What caused God to do this one time exercise when he has been existing since infinity and will exist till infinity, is beyond these superstitious texts!)

  • Then God sent some Adam and some Eve (whom he made from rib of Eve) who used to roam around naked. Once they ate some fruit of a tree where they were stationed by God. This petty act irritated God so much that He chose to curse Adam/ Eve and his progeny forever with pain and grief.

  • God created some Satan also who would trouble other creations of God.

  • God has pre-decided fate of everyone born and everyone yet to be born.

  • God sends his divine knowledge through some book on some persons. Those who believe in that book and person blindly alone, will go to a Paradise. Rest will burn in Hell forever.

  • Different sects claim a different set of divine book(s) and their prophets. There is no way to decide conclusively which set is true. But if you make a mistake, you are doomed to Hell forever.

  • To add to complexity, God decided to not provide any mechanism for conservation of the divine book. Perhaps because modern storage methods were not yet devised when these books were launched, and hence God too was ignorant! But still if you make a mistake, Hell is waiting! There are countless Bibles, and Quran was compiled 20 years after death of its Prophet by those who were fighting for each others’ lives. In fact Quran was not even called Quran till its compilation, and the earliest available Quran is 300 years later to its Prophet’s death.

  • The only supporting evidences to justify authenticity of a divine book are miracles that have been performed by the magicians called Prophets who broadcasted the contents of the book. Now there is no way to deduce if the miracle actually happened, but unless you choose to believe in the right book and right Prophet from among so many bidding for faith of humans, you are destined to burn in Hell!

  • There will be another miracle when world ends. God will then have a court-proceeding along with his chosen Prophet to decide whom to send to Hell and whom to Heaven. God does not know that right now and has to do a drama.

In summary, blind belief in a particular book and stories associated with the book, along with its broadcasting Prophet is the only way for escaping Hell. What more the God as per these books is

- whimsical
- inconsistent
- deliberately confuses people
- has already decided who shall go to Hell and who shall go to Heaven even       before people take birth,
- has created a Satan to add to confusion of people
- tests some people for decades and sends others to Heaven directly from         womb
- at times himself acts like a Satan to trouble people and make them ignorant
- chooses such people as Prophets who are murderers, rapists, pedophiles,      preach hatred, self-obsessed and psychopaths. Some Prophets have                 symptoms exactly of Temporal Lobe Epilsepy
- and most importantly, has prewritten fate of everyone. Thus free-will is         simply an illusion of free-will

This is the case with all the dominant religious ideologies and associated scriptures of the world.

Under such a situation, it makes more sense for someone with a mind that can think, to be an Atheist than believe in such a book and such a God, among many in the market.

Thus typically those who believe in one of these blind faiths belong to one or more of following categories:

  1. They were born in a family or society following a particular faith.
  2. They came to read book(s) of their family faith, saw the junk, got irritated and hence opted for a different faith in the market. For example, I bought a Motorola mobile, it crashed one day and hence I decided to never use Motorola and choose Nokia instead!
  3. They want to feel important and know that if they change faith, they will get greater importance in new society of blind-followers
  4. They want to be liberal in relations with opposite/same gender and marriages.
  5. They know that they would have to face grave harm from society if they turn apostates.
  6. They have limited intelligence, or are too emotional and thus got swayed by marketing hype and social hatred/preference.

But for a rational person, who is also brave, atheism seems to be the only option in a world where people do not have any reason to believe what they believe in. Thus Atheism is a natural reaction mechanism to hoax of a religion that has no logical foundation and is based merely on blindness of minds. Atheism is thus the next step of evolution of intellect from tendency for blind belief and believing without reason.

The above holds true not only for Islam and Christianity, but also for majority of Hindus comprising Sanatanis, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and so many other big and small cults and sects. Thus we see many Muslims being Muslims because they hate Christians and Hindus. And many fanatic Hindus call themselves as proud Hindus primarily because Islam has been a barbaric nuisance in this subcontinent and largest factory of terrorism production since its inception (competed closely by Christianity in its early phase).

And then we have an entire cult of Secularists who deliberately or unknowingly refuse to explore and merely shout that all religions are equal merely because all have some good elements and all have more or less fraud elements as well. These secular businessmen who tend to benefit from the religious confusion in the society like the jackals of the jungle, only add to the prevailing confusion.

Thus, we see a society where emotions run high, people tend to follow what they are used to, or rebel abruptly, tend to mix social and religious beliefs, have given up any element of logic to support their belief systems and have no reason to explain why I am a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew or Secular! Thus a more sensible person turns Atheist. A more evolved thinker goes a step ahead and becomes Agnostic – I don’t know! May be God exists, may be not. Who cares! And Why?

Though i consider myself as Atheist but yet there are few facts which i analyzed and compell me to think that really i am Atheist or Agnostic , or even worse " not any one of them".

They are as follows:

  • Despite the hype created by false texts, the fact remans that I exist. And I cannot be a chemical reaction or inanimate entity. If that be so, how could I demonstrate the characteristics of happiness, sorrow, attraction, repulsion, efforts, intellect. I agree that different parts of brain enable these functions. But who is the source? Who is the driver of the car? Who, even after a deep sleep, wakes to say that I slept peacefully? Who feels the peace? Who gets the urge to be me? Who feel the ‘I”? If it were a purely physio chemical world, only inanimate objects would have existed and there would not have been ‘You’, ‘Me’, ‘He’ or ‘She’ debating this very topic! Now presence of ‘I’ cannot be denied. The very act of denial proves that an “I’ exists that is denying!

  • Further, there is no cause for this ‘I’ to get destroyed. Since ‘I’ is not a physical entity, ‘I’ cannot be worn off or damaged by other physical entities. Apart from the change in association of ‘I’ with other physical entities like body, nothing can change in ‘I’. ‘I’ don’t need a proof to know that ‘I’ exists!

  • Now if ‘I’ is imperishable, how come rest of the physical entities work together in unison to create appropriate environment for ‘I’ to exist, enjoy, act and think? ‘I’ know that ‘I’ did nothing to manage it. Yet I know a grand conspiracy is constantly at work to suit my requirements of survival with physical world and enjoy the same. Thus I get a body whose wonderful mechanism is not yet understood, a brain about which we know nothing much except that there is nothing more mysterious than it, the food I eat, the society I live in, the earth, the solar system, the universe ….

‘I’ know ‘I’ did not manage all these complexities. ‘I’ know that inanimate particles and waves cannot create a corporate body and allocate responsibilities to make all this happen like in a factory. So there is some other entity who is managing it all. Now this entity has to be living/animate like me or else it cannot manage innumerable ‘I’s like me. And this amount of introspection, suddenly destroys the very foundation of Atheism. In fact few can say it challenges Agnostic to admit that you are Agnostic only because your intellect has a limited capacity today. I don't know.........

So I know clearly that three entities exist right now – ‘I’, inanimate particles/energy, and the manager of it all.Thus all leading scientists have refused to be Atheist and have admitted that a manager  has to exist.

What we call as law of nature is nothing except something being repeated in most perfect manner without deviations. For example, Yajurveda says that “Ishwar has held every entity and moves them perfectly as per unchangeable laws.” Because He does so with perfection, we call it to be a law. Let us take example of Law of Gravitation. Two objects at a distance tend to attract towards each other as per a defined formula. Now if there is no entity managing the whole show, what caused the objects to get attracted? Scientists call it Fundamental Law because they cannot answer it further.

We cannot explain why would certain physical entities suddenly start having a feeling of ‘I’. We cannot even explain which particular physical entity is feeling this ‘I’. For example, scientists are baffled on whether there is a specific seat of consciousness in human brain, or many neurons together form ‘consciousness’. If yes,then how and why? And why does that consciousness repels against death and its destruction? Why that consciousness seeks peace and wants to avoid frustrations and grief?

We also don’t know how we can answer it except admitting existence of another entity apart from their own jungle of neurons in their respective brains!

What more, I find that my thoughts control my destiny to large extent. By molding my thoughts and resolving for anything, automatically I get surrounded by situations and people that help me move towards my resolve. There is an art through which all the inanimate and animate entities of the world seem to working as per my thought processes. If I tend to be negative, negative events happen with me and negative people surround me. If I tend to be enthusiastic, I get more enthusing opportunities. Recently a bestseller book “The Secret” was written on this principle. (This is nothing but first step of foundations of Vedas and Yog).

‘I’ know I exist, and unless there is an entity managing all this for me, ‘I’ know that nothing at all will make any sense!

Well i don't know how vague i am in above lines or what you will understand about the damn thing i wrote here, as i am also still much confused on many points. But hope some of you get a good idea about some points what i discussed and gve some clue on them.......

Friday, July 25, 2014


A poem which gave a different sort of strength to move on - 

Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Is the Universe Collapsing?

After the story of God Particle, the next big cosmological story is,“Is the Universe Collapsing?”
From Expansion to Contraction
In the year 2011, the physicists, Adam Riess, Brian Schmidt and Saul Perlmutter were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery that the universe is expanding.
Quick on its heels, comes another research with the postulate that the universe is infact, contracting. This comes out from the calculations of Jens Frederik Colding Krog, the author of this research, at the Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology, University of Southern Denmark. His research comes up with the postulate that the universe is at a phase of transition from expansion to contraction. This transition has not set in, in just the few years between awarding the Nobel Prize for the theory of expansion of this universe and this new theory of contracting universe. This transition sets in over a window period of millions of earth years and is not limited just to the earth or solar system, but to the whole universe.
Indian Traditional View
A peep into the traditional Indian cosmology gives us an interesting insight. This is known as the subject of Brahmanda Parardha. Brahmanda meaning universe, Ardha is half, Para denotes the other, following, succeeding, previous. This term Brahmanda Parardha implies that the life span of this material universe comprises of 2 halves. The first half is the expansion of the universe from the moment of Big Bang, Brahmanda Visphotak. The second half is the contraction of the universe, finally ending in all constituents of matter merging back into one single unit.
This single unit then forms the seed for the cosmic egg, Hiranyagarbha for the next cycle of the universe. This collapsed matter is Sesha, the balance and is known as Adi Sesha, the balance from which comes Adi, the beginnings for the next cycle sprout forth.
It is indeed interesting that the Indian thought not only speaks of the Big Bang, the expansion and then the Contraction, it also speaks about the residue becoming the seed for the next cycle. What a depth of knowledge!
From where do we learn of this contraction?
Sankalpa is something that the learned recite every day. This Sankalpa is a calendar, an Astral Geo-Positioning calendar.
The first phrase of the Sankalpa is Brahma Dwitiya Parardhe, meaning, ‘Brahma, the creator, who personifies the expanding force of creation, has now entered Dwitiya, the second, Parardha, the material half’, implying that the first half of Brahma’s life, activity and expansion is over and the universe has entered the second phase, the contracting phase. This is the implied statement recited by the scholars of this land, every day when they start their Sankalpa. Thus, it is in the common knowledge of these traditional scholars that we are in the second phase, the concluding phase of the universe wherein the contraction is well on its path to Pralaya, dissolution.
This Sankalpa itself could be expressed as a mathematical formula for calculating elapse time, much like the way modern mathematical formulae are expressed.
While it has always been held that traditional Indian sciences claim knowledge of something after it has been discovered, here is a case where the traditional Indian knowledge and its mathematical formulae can be used in expressing mathematically that the contraction, i.e from when the collapse of the universe has well and truly begun and the time left for it to contract fully and dissolve into nothingness. The next big milestone for the cosmos.
The next big step in cosmological research! Will we take it?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Israel-Gaza Conflict : Indian Perspective

These days  Social Sites are full of Israel-Gaza Conflict and like all other issues we can see many misinformed,wrong and fake things being shared and distributed by its users to fulfill their psychic malnutrition.From last few days, some of them  Honourable MPs of Rajya Sabha (many of them came by bribing the various Political Parties)disrupted  the proceedings to such an extent   that the House had to be repeatedly adjourned. 
Just in case you think they had been raising an issue of the greatest national importance — such as safety of women or prices of essential goods or farmer suicides, do stand corrected. No that was not the case.The purpose, believe it or not, was the attack by Israeli forces on terror outfit Hamas, which manoeuvres from Gaza. The MPs actually demanded that the House pass a resolution condemning Israel for the offensive which had claimed the lives of hundred of innocent citizens of Gaza. The Government rightly dismissed the silly proposition as it amounted to condemning a friend. Moreover, the Indian Parliament does not ordinarily pass resolutions castigating another country. (It did that to Pakistan in recent months only as a tit-for-tat measure, which in my view was wrong too.) Then, the MPs gridlocked the Rajya Sabha from functioning, seeking an immediate discussion on the conflict.

The demands cannot have been triggered by their concern for the loss of innocent lives in Gaza. ISIS militants have been causing mayhem in Iraq for months now; Boko Haram has been looting, plundering, killing and raping for years; Shias and Sunnis have been at each other's throats in Pakistan for a while, leading to large-scale killings. And interestingly yet, none of these incidents ever prompted the Honourable MPs to call for a House resolution. Neither did the recent thinly veiled threat by Jammu & Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah of secession if Article 370 was abrogated. The Rajya Sabha MPs who called for a resolution against Israel were driven by crass vote-bank politics, to appease the Muslim community by running down ‘Zionist’ Israel. It's not a coincidence that these demands have largely come from either the Leftists, or politicians from Jammu & Kashmir who are competing with one another in jingoism, keeping in mind the Assembly election ahead.

Funnily enough, they do not seem to realise that they ought to be actually condemning the militant organisation Hamas for targeting Israel, which has led to the escalation of attacks. They ought to have been criticising Hamas for having rejected a ceasefire that Egypt brokered and Israel accepted. They should be pulling up Hamas for endangering the lives of innocent citizens of Gaza by their misadventure. They must understand that the attacks by Israel are not on the people of Palestine, (though civilians — men, women and children have unfortunately become the victims); they are on Hamas. By seeking to project the conflict into one between the people of Palestine and Israel, which it is not, these MPs are doing great injury to the cause of objectivity.
Hamas believes that this supremacy of Islam obligates it to literally exterminate millions of people who hold different beliefs than Islam

It is unfortunate that even the Congress has got into the act of scoring petty political points on the important issue of the country's foreign policy. Its leader Saifuddin Soz questioned the “silence” of the Government over Israeli attacks on “unarmed Palestinians”. But in early 2009, when Israeli forces had launched an offensive, including ground invasion, in Gaza, to counter rockets that were being fired from there into Israel, the then Congress-led UPA had not rushed to pass resolutions in Parliament condemning one side or the other. That confrontation had left, according to reports, around 1,400 people dead. Then, as now, Israel had done what it considered was appropriate for its security.

Our lawmakers have pointed out that the larger number of deaths has been on the side of Palestinians. It’s because Israel does its best not to expose its civilians to enemy attacks, while Hamas uses innocent citizens as human shields. Here is an irony that many anti-Israeli elements in India have glossed over: Israel has been issuing warnings to the people of Gaza, through public broadcasts and pamphlets, to leave the strife-torn region and move into relatively safer areas. On the other hand, Hamas has shown little concern for the safety of Palestinians.
HAMAS : Childs are Bombs for them
Child as Suicide attacker
The MPs, who were in the forefront of the demand for a resolution condemning Israel and expressing solidarity with the Palestinians, have conveniently forgotten that Hamas is not interested in the peace and prosperity of the citizens of Gaza. Designated  a “foreign terrorist organisation” by the United States in 1997, Hamas's stated goal is not the well-being and development of the Palestinians, but the destruction of Israel. Ever since it managed to overshadow the relatively moderate Fatah and its leader Mahmoud Abbas and establish its rule in Gaza in 2007, Hamas has been getting increasingly virulent and combative towards Israel. After the latter blockaded Gaza, the terror organisation's military supply began coming from Egypt, especially after Hosni Mubarak's fall and the coming to power of Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi. With Morsi too gone, Hamas is feeling the squeeze and is upping the ante in the hope of attracting renewed patronage from similar-minded elements in the Muslim world.

Part of the reason for the rise of Hamas is the Fatah's governance failure in West Bank and its spiralling impact on Gaza. Fatah leader and Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas and his regime have proved largely ineffective in improving the lot of their people, and the generous international aid that has been coming has not made enough impact on lay lives. This has bred popular discontent with what political observers term as Abbas's “moderate politics” and heightened interest in Hamas's brand of aggression. It is not surprising that Abbas and the Fatah seem entirely sidelined even as Hamas continues with its belligerence. This underlines what some of our misguided MPs seem to have missed: The present confrontation is not to address a political wrong; it is an act by a globally dreaded terror outfit to beat Israel into submission.

The peace which held its ground throughout much of last year, between the extremist Palestinian factions and Israel, had come after then Egyptian President Morsi had played the broker — which the US had virtually coaxed him into doing. What is more important to understand is that Hamas fell in line not so much because of the Brotherhood's presence in crafting the agreement but due to the grim realisation that Israel had been just hours away from launching an unprecedented, massive ground invasion of Gaza and delivering to Hamas one of its worst drubbings. 

President Barack Obama has now offered to mediate. Other nations have called for restraint. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains determined. It's a resolve that New Delhi should adopt in letter and spirit when it deals with terror elements in and outside the country. 
                                   But this is not the Question of Hour for us, Indians, The question is : Are we going to hurt interests of India just because few radical & extremist communals of this country seeing it as an opportunity to score over other side. Are we again prove ourselves as a very Soft nation who even can't stand in support of a nation fighting for Lives of its people against terrorism. Are we ?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Evolution Continue - Children Born With Advanced DNA

This is an incredible story of children being born with advanced DNA. Many of today’s parents are awake enough to be witnessing miracles in their children and then exposing them to information to help prevent suppression and/or the depression that is inflicted on many of these beautiful beings due to lack of understanding. I think they are “Children of the New Dream”.

These New Dream Children are 3 different kind we yet able to identify/find - 
  1. Super Psychic Children of China.
  2. The Indigo Children
  3. Children of AIDS

Children of AIDS

I am most interested in–the “Children of AIDS.” About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born with AIDS. They tested him at birth and at 6 months and he tested positive for AIDS. They tested him a year later and he still tested positive. Then they didn’t test him again until he was 6, and what was amazing is that this test showed that he was completely AIDS free! In fact, there was no trace that he ever had AIDS or HIV whatsoever! He was taken to UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed that he didn’t have normal human DNA.
In the human DNA we have 4 nucleic acids that combine in sets of 3 producing 64 different patterns that are called codons. Human DNA all over the world always has 20 of these codons turned on and the rest of them are turned off, except for 3 which are the stop and start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumed that the ones that were turned off were old programs from our past. I’ve always seen them like application programs in a computer. 
                                               Anyway…this boy had 24 codons turned on — 4 more than any other human being. Then they tested this kids to see how strong his immune system was. They took a very lethal dose of AIDS in a petri dish and mixed it with some of his cells and his cells remained completely unaffected. They kept raising the lethalness of the composition and finally went up to 3,000 times more than what was necessary to infect a human being and his cells stayed completely disease free.
Then they started testing his blood with other things like cancer and discovered that this kid was immune to everything! Then they found another kid with these codons turned on–then another one then another one–then 10,000, then 100,000, then a million of them and at this point, UCLA, by watching world-wide DNA testing, estimates that 1% of the world has this new DNA. That breaks down to approximately 60 million people who are not human by the old criteria.
Well then the most obvious question arises does these new Codon activation is only found in newborns ? No , it’s mostly children, but now they are finding adults with it too–just like the hundredth monkey theory. Now all kinds of people are being affected by it and its spreading fast.
Remember, it started just 5 years ago with almost no one and now it’s spreading–just like a disease. It’s like an outbreak and this is only the beginning.
Science has stated that there are so many people showing up with this new alien DNA that they now believe that a new human race is being born on the earth today and apparently they can’t get sick.
Now what is really incredible — they believe that it is a very specific emotional, mental body response — a waveform coming off the body that is causing the DNA to mutate in a certain way.

There are 3 parts to this phenomenon.
  • The mind that sees Unity - It sees the Flower of Life. It sees everything interconnected in all ways. It doesn’t see anything as separate.
  • Being centered in the heart–to be Loving
  • To step out of polarity–to no longer judge the world

As long as we are judging the world as good or bad, then we are inside polarity and remain in the fallen state. I believe these people (with the new DNA) have somehow stepped out of judging and are in a state where they see everything as one and feeling Love. Whatever they are doing within themselves is producing a waveform that when seen on computer screens looks almost identical to the DNA molecule. So the researchers think that by the very expression of their life that these people are mapping with the DNA — resonating it — and are changing these 4 codons and in so doing become immune to the disease. What they don’t know and this is where a lot of research gets to happen is so maybe they are immune, but is there anything else? They might be immortal, who knows. Maybe there are other characteristics that we haven’t even dreamed of. I often wonder if they are all linked together? Is there some form of telepathic connection that goes on?

The Indigo Children

These are most extensively studied type of children.These kids know exactly what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking can’t hide anything from them. It’s really amazing! I see it as a phenomenon like the ETs except they aren’t coming here in spaceship form–they are coming here in spirit form making it personal by coming into the earth’s evolutionary cycle and joining with us.

Indigo is the colour of the third eye chakra, as per Yoga, which is an energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions and spirits, so many of the Indigo Children are classed as clairvoyant. 

The Indigo Children have a warrior nature, a ‘rebel with a cause’ personality with absolutely no guilt. They are often labeled as hyperactive or aggressive, but this is their purpose. They are here to break down old and outmoded systems – legal, educational, medical, you name it, these kids are here to force honesty and integrity on a global level. Telepathy and other psychic abilities are rife amongst the Indigo’s, which is leading us into a telepathic society. A society that must be based on the ‘indigo’ principles for it to function. Telepathy cannot work if dishonesty and deceit are present. We must remember that Indigo’s have been coming in for about 25 years now, so it won’t be long before they get into positions of power to enable the changes they are destined for. They are natural leaders, hacking away the old and leaving an open path for the new children.

Super Psychic Children of China

I would say it is something only China or Country like it can do only, other wise in any democratic country Human Right Activists would have been in Poster more than the subject. They are gifted Children who recognized & nurtured by their Government about 25 years ago. They call the super human function of these child as Extra Human Function (EHF). Throughout the country the Schools and Research Centers are being setup to identify and nurture them. If believed to the data of Xinhua News Agency till now about 200K such children have been identified with various degree of EHF. These children have interestingly mind bending abilities. One skill the children were able to develop was ‘psychic writing’, a technique where they were asked to imagine some written words on a blank piece of paper inside a closed pencil case. The case would be opened a short time later and on it were the words written in pencil.A girl from Shanghai called Xiao Kiong was the first to demonstrate this ability and so in 1981, EHF researchers at Yunnan Wenshan Teachers’ College in Yunna Province selected 5 children with EHF for further training. It was soon found that when blindfolded, these children were able to see with their ears, nose, mouth, tongue, armpits, hands or feet. These tests were not right just some of the time, they were flawless. American new-age magazine Omni got involved when the tests were set up to check there could be no cheating.

From a stack of books one was selected, then opened at random and a page was ripped out and crumpled up in to a small ball. It was placed in the armpit of one of the children - and the child could read every word on the page perfectly. After many more tests Omni magazine became convinced these kids were for real. But Omni were not the only ones present. Zhu Yiyi, editor of Shanghai’s Nature Magazine, a prestigious science journal also witnessed these events.

On another occasion, a thousand people were sitting in an auditorium and were each given a rose-bud. A six-year-old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand; the thousand rosebuds would slowly open to fully blossom into beautiful roses before the eyes of the astonished audience. Another child would take a sealed bottle off a shelf at random and place it at the centre of a table. After a few moments the pills passed through the glass bottle and settled on the table. In many cases, the child would then take another object, such as a coin, put it on the table and it would pass back into the sealed bottle.

But i don't know in which direction we are heading, Its a new breakthrough Indeed, but mankind how responds to these genetical evolution among its Race is a big question. How we going to Cope and use the things we are going to get . As far as history tells us we used all the Nature's Gift in wrong direction more efficiently than the right one. I would like to conclude and would like you to think and analyse as per your Point of View. As far as I am Concerned i believe there is nothing called Good or Bad , its relative , as nothing is Absolute...

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Legend of Zorawar Singh

Tomb of General Zorawar Singh

TOYO, TAKLAKOT, Tibet is the hallowed place where stands a dilapidated Samadhi of a brave man called General Zorawar Singh, a Kahluria Rajput of the 19th century India.
                      He was born in 1786 in the Kangra district but his bravery blossomed in the Dogra army of Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu. He is known not only for his generalship but also statesmanship. He fought and won battles in far off foreign lands of Baltistan in the West and Tibet in the East. He annexed the foreign territories conquered by the Dogra army under his leadership and made them a part of the Jammu Raj. Ladakh is now a part of India, thanks to bravery and sagacity of General Zorawar Singh.

Never has an individual king or captain fought and won so many ferocious battles in foreign lands located far away from the home base and eventually made them a part and parcel of his motherland as was done by General Zorawar Singh.

Its a shame that not many of his compatriots know about his adventures as not many historians of repute wrote or ballad singers sung in his honour so that his name and deeds are etched in the hearts and minds of the posterity. His last resting place, the Samadhi or Chorten (in Tibetan language) looks askance at the Indian pilgrims who are on way to or are returning from holy Mount Kailash but a mute stare of helplessness is all that it receives in return.


Young Zorawar took interest in the management of his ancestral lands in Kangra and always thought of ways and means of improving the agricultural production.
He was a precocious administrator right from the beginning. Notwithstanding small agricultural holdings that Zorawar's family possessed, he took pains to ensure that there was no encroachment on it nor an attempt to effect adverse possession to be recorded by the village official.

One of Zorawar's cousins had an eye on a part of the common holding and made himself busy with making evil designs to grab what was not his. Zorawar was a man of integrity and expected others too to be clean in their dealings. Since the cousin concerned was bent upon playing foul in disposal of the ancestral land, a fight was bound to take place. It did. Zorawar had the better of his cousin in a sword fight and the rogue met his end. The friends and relatives of the killed cousin wished to frame Zorawar legally and have him incarcerated.

As the legal proceedings were likely to go against the interests of young Zorawar who was just a teenager, the young man decided to flee his ancestral village to escape legal proceedings and rigours of a jail life. He went to Haridwar, the famous place of pilgrimage of Hindus of all shades and hues.

Some contemporary historians of sorts believed that Zorawar landed in Haridwar, one of the most sacred places of pilgrimage for the Hindus, more for personal atonement than to escape the long arms of law. He was a religious minded straight forward fellow and went to the place of pilgrimage to pray for a Divine Pardon. He did not want to carry this baggage of guilt resulting from the unintentional killing of a cousin all his life. The earlier atonement of sin was done the better it would be.

It was, therefore, this religious atonement of sin rather than escaping arms of law that found him in a different garb in Haridwar.Destiny had better things in store for young Zorawar than he himself had planned. In Haridwar, Zorawar came across Rana Jaswant Singh of Doda, Jammu and the Rana saw in Zorawar the great spark of military genius and leadership that would win laurels both in war and peace. The Rana took young Zorawar to Doda along with him with the intention of training him as a soldier. He did precisely that. Young Zorawar came out of the training phase with flying colours.

He showed a keen interest in Logistics and specialised in the effective handling of Logistics as a force multiplier in war. His brilliant ideas in this field were appreciated by military experts of this branch of military strategy. What a pity, the same Zorawar, as a General and a matured and experienced commander in the battle field, lost the war at village TOYO in Tibet because of failure of Logistics in severe winter when soldiers burnt the Woodstock of their rifles and other firearms to keep themselves warm in the absence of regular fuel. Reinforcements and other essential supplies had failed to reach and the inevitable happened. More of that a little later.

While handling Logistics in Doda, young Zorawar had a chance meeting and a chat on effecting economy with the boss of the show, Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu. The new proposals for bringing in economy to save State exchequer money, put forward by young Zorawar was appreciated by the Raja and he gave a green signal to implement it. Not only that; young Zorawar was made incharge of the new project that he handled with aplomb and won laurels. Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu was mighty happy with Zorawar and made him Governor of Doda-Reasi-Kistwar area and conferred on him the rank of a Wazir.Wazir Zorawar Singh did not look back after that and his march forward was onward and onward.


Chandragupt Maurya and Samudragupt were emperors of India who had moved their forces in Central Asia, defeated foreign armies and even married princesses of Greek royal household. The distant drums of India had not been heard in Central Asia thereafter. It was left to Wazir Zorawar Singh to march there with his combined armies of Dogras, Ladakhis and other foreigners professing faiths different from the Hindu Dharma and yet make them a homogenous fighting outfit that engaged and defeated in battles commanders and common soldiers of various Muslim principalities of Baltistan.

Loyalty was a remarkable factor in winning battles in Baltistan. It was a two-way traffic, soldiers to the commander and back from the commander to the soldiers. The deep sense of loyalty made them victorious wherever they went and fought. The TRUST built between them over a period of time saw them through thick and thin. There were acts of chivalry beyond the call of duty. For them the Dogra kingdom of Dogra Desh with Maharajah Gulab Singh at the helm of affairs, was everything. They hesitated not in sacrificing their lives at the altar of victory in battle.No wonder, entire Baltistan was theirs and they marched in victory processions from town to town; from principality to principality.

Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar and adjoining areas of Baltistan, far away from their homeland, Dogra Desh, came under the direct rule of Maharajah Gulab Singh whose flag flew from the hills and dales of scenic surroundings. The Dogras, thanks to the capable military leadership of General Zorawar Singh, were monarchs of all they surveyed. The Company Bahadur of the Englishmen had given their seal of approval to the unfurling of the Dogra flag in the distant land but had cautioned them to be vary of the Russian bear that was on the prowl right there. In other words, General Zorawar Singh's military operations were restricted within the Lakshman Rekha drawn by the British overlords.

It was a wonder of wonders. Simple Dogra men whose main profession was agriculture in villages and who lived below snow line were now conquerors and masters of Baltistan moving near snow line and practising their strategy of Loyalty, Trust, Training in peace to win wars and Will to Achieve Aim, come rain come shine. The Dogra army of Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu, under the capable leadership of Vazir Zorawar Singh made history and had become a force to reckon with.

Even their own kinsmen of the Lahore Durbar received a complaint from Mehan Singh, Governor of Kashmir under the Sikh rule, that prayed for putting a stop to Zorawar Singh̢۪s campaign beyond Baltistan lest the interest of the Sikh kingdom was harmed. The Lahore durbar forwarded the complaint to Maharaja Gulab Singh who, reading between the lines, ordered Vazir Zorawar Singh to freeze in his tracks in Baltistan. The orders were obeyed.

Wazir Zorawar Singh had replaced the ruler of Skardu, Ahmad Shah with his son, Muhammad Shah and the arrangement gained popular support. The new ruler started paying Rs7,000 per annum to Maharajah Gulab Singh of Jammu as a tribute and accepted the suzerainty of the Dogras.General Zorawar Singh built a new fort at Skardu and positioned a contingent of Dogra soldiers to keep an eye on the rebellious elements of Baltistan. It showed the confluence of military and political acumen of General Zorawar Singh because of which Baltistan region including Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar were a part of India. Of course, Pakistan gained control of these Northern Areas surreptitiously in August 1947 with the connivance of the rogue elements among the British officers and Muslim troops among Maharajaha's army.

Wazir Zorawar Singh despatched a contingent of the Dogra force under Wazir Lakhpat to move further up and capture Fort Astor and that was done without meeting much resistance from the Muslim forces who were already under an awesome spell of the Dogra superiority. The Darad raja was taken prisoner but had to be released later under orders of the Lahore durbar of the Sikh kingdom.


The genius of Zorawar manifested itself in his planning and preparation for an eastward march towards Tibet since the Westward March had been blocked by the Lahore Durbar and the British Governor General sitting in Fort William, Calcutta too was a bit uneasy about the Westward march of the Dogras.
Another of the six Expeditions of General Zorawar Singh to the high lands of Ladakh and the plateau of Tibet was undertaken.
The stocky Dogras climbed up the high hills from Reasi in the Jammu region to the place of origin of Suru river, traversing Zanskar made it to Leh, capital of the little Tibet, that is Ladakh. The rag tag army of Namgyal, Gyalpo of Ladakh was no match to the battle seasoned Dogras of Zorawar Singh.

Panikhar Fort: Panikhar Fort developed to separate Valley of Suru from Panikhar. It was constructed by Zorawar Singh and his army to separate the location from Suru. Construction was done in 1832 at the time of entrance of Zorawar Singh in Ladakh to triumph over Tibet.
The military skirmish was over before it began and the rebels disciplined for hobnobbing with defiant Botis of Baltistan. With this mission accomplished, Zorawar turned to Tibet, untrampled by foreign feet so far. Travelling westward on horseback, on foot in an unknown land through large tracts of barren land and small hamlets of strange men and women professing faith of the Buddha, the Dogras reached Taklakot or Purang near holy Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar. General Zorawar Singh and his compatriots, not forgetting new Ladakhi and Balti allies, had a Darshan of kailash Parvat and took a dip in lake Mansarovar. Spiritual contentment was writ large on their faces. Little did anyone realise that this was the last holy dip and Darshan as death and destruction were lurking nearby.


General Zorawar Singh had headed such a successful campaign in Ladakh, onward in Baltistan and back in Ladakh that he and his fellow soldiers did not know how to thank their stars. In his own mind the General was planning a much bigger campaign to an unknown land to fly the Dogra flag there. He was awaiting reinforcements from homeland and also a word of Shabash from Maharajah Gulab Singh for achieving the near impossible. He and his men got a pat on the back but no clearance for moving to places unknown until they had a concrete campaign plan with a sound back up of men and material.

Winter fell. There was an early snowfall. Severe cold, frosty winds, lack of fuel for warming men and armaments took their toll on life and limbs. The bayonet strength fell from day to day. Food for men and fodder for the animals was in short supply. The soldiers burnt Woodstock of rifles and other weapons to keep the human body warm. And yet frostbite did not spare the sturdy dogras from Doda, Reasi, Jammu and even Botis and Ladakhis. The soldiers' morale was in their boots.

Meanwhile, the Chinese and Tibetans had assembled a sizeable force in the Taklakot region. Being natives of the place, the cold did not damage their body and minds so much as it did to Dogras. At an opportune moment the enemy struck. In the fierce battle that ensued, a bullet pierced through the right shoulder of the General but he picked up his sword with the left hand. A Tibetan horseman came charging and pierced his lance through the chest of the brave chief; who breathed his last on the battlefield. It was the month of December in the year 1841.

A large number of soldiers of the Dogra army met their glorious end fighting on a foreign soil in inclement weather where it was difficult to distinguish friend from foe. It was a sad end to a glorious career. 

A Samadhi was made with large loose stones and ashes kept there. The Samadhi is known to the local people as Singh-ba Ka Chortena.The Tibetans, being superstitious, cut small pieces of flesh from the general's dead body to keep in their houses so that Zorawar-like chivalry was passed on among the Tibetan people from generation to generation.This  however, is a unique case in the history of world where a memorial stands erected by the conqueror in  favour of gallant enemy.

When the  sad news was broken to Maharajah Gulab Singh in Peshawar by Commissioner Lawrence during a campaign against the tribal rebels. He hastily assembled an army of brave Dogras and despatched them towards Tibet to punish the guilty. The Dogras carried the day in a military engagement near Chushul in Ladakh and killed the enemy general in battle to avenge the death of dear old compatriot, Zorawar Singh, bravest of the brave.


"Soldiers never die; they just fade away“ an age-old saying is still doing rounds of military barracks when a hero who fell in battle is recalled. I must hasten to add that General Zorawar Singh is neither dead nor has faded away. The great Patriot is still with us and shall be with all Indians till eternity.

General Zorawar Singh always earned the respect of both the victorious friend and the vanquished foe. In battle he fought to defend the values of life as enshrined in our Dharma. His honesty and integrity went unchallenged till his last breath.

Statue of General Zorawar Singh in Jammu